With the age of digital advertising and social media, comes a negative aspect, that if not managed correctly can cause serious damage not only to your company but your brand as well.
The common term for people who post negative, inflammatory remarks are Cyberbullies or Trolls. In researching today’s topic, a lot of commentaries are given to schools and teenagers but there does not seem to be much regarding how companies are exposed to bullying.
But you ask; how is a company bullied? A few examples of common methods are by sending negative and cruel emails, hate pages, online threats, and harmful reviews. The internet enables these people to spread their negative message, without having to reveal who they are and thereby avoid confrontation.
There are a few tactics to use in case your business is being bullied:
- Ignore the cyberbully – in certain cases, this is the easiest way to handle the situation
- Listen to what the individual has to say, and then take action by correcting mistakes.
- Clarifying a company’s position on a topic and always respond with facts
- Avoid responding negatively or name calling.
- When necessary, ban or block a cyberbully who is posting threats, using hate speech or taking things too far.
There will always be people who want to drag you or your company name down, don’t give in to them. We at Lyndworm have developed crises plans based on different scenarios and will help combat the Scourge of Trolls
For more information, please leave your details and we will be in touch shortly.