8 Strategies to grow your Digital Presence

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=1553789">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a
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class=There are many asking what are the best strategies to use in order to grow your digital presence, which in turn increases customer interaction and ultimately grows your brand.

Here are 8 ways to achieve that goal:

Have a website

A website is the modern day business card. It is the first place a consumer will go to research you, and learn more about your products. For more please contact sacha.carikas@lyndworm.co.za

Data Collection

Advanced reporting on website behavior and visitor preferences, analyzed with the aid of artificial intelligence, converts your website into a targeted communications platform.


Search Engine Optimisation is a vital process of getting a leg-up on the competition in the world of the search engines.

Social Media

A social profile on any social media platform is also important to grow brand presence. Consumers also enjoy being able to communicate with you through these mediums. We have a CRM that makes it possible to automate your social media posts (across all platforms) and schedule the posts according to your needs.

Email Marketing

Keeping the customers in the know is a bit of a tricky step, but it does pay off in terms of keeping brand awareness alive


Content marketing is an all-encompassing term, which includes traditional posters, infographics, videos, whitepapers, e-books, etc. We have a creative team ready to assist with all your content requirements


Search Engine Marketing i.e. pay-per-click advertising, also known through the majority as Google Ads, is advertising on the search engines, which also includes: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, BING, Yahoo, as well as MSN


Having access to one platform that performs all these functions saves on time, as well as labor-intensive work. If you want more information on the CRM, please leave your details – www.lyndworm.co.za/contact/ and we will be in touch to schedule a demonstration